“Buddha” was translated from Sulvere, with the meanings of “wisdom” and “awareness”. Chinese always said Buddha is indefinite, and people accomplish the pursuing of Buddha through adoring the Buddha statue.
Buddha has many forms, including the statues of Sakyamuni Buddha, Qiangba Buddha, Longevity Buddha and so on. The Boddhisattva Buddhas have taken a great proportion in Buddha statues, like Avalokiteshvara, Manjusri, Universal Worthy and Ksitigarbha, all of which look much amiable and impressive in their grandeur, showing kindness, elegance and sereness.
The Sakyamuni statue, ancestor of Buddha, is representative of Buddha statues. It is often shown with five postures:
the “Posture of Understanding Way or Touching the Ground” is a resolve to overcome temptations, devote oneself to relieve lives without consideration of own benefit, to gain beauty and dignity;
the “Posture of Chanting Scriptures or Concentration” means teaching lives and enlightening confusion, to arrive at infinite and boundless life;
the “Pposture of Handing Out or Wealth” means teaching lives the short-termed use of material wealth, but endless use of spiritual wealth by following Buddha’s teachings;
the “Posture of Giving Birth” signifies confidence and fearlessness. Appeasement, consolation and tranquility allow for a supreme position in life, enabling to face ravaging elements calmly and without fear.;
the “Posture of Parinirvana or Casting out Fear” means purifying and calming the mind so that former problems no longer seem so wildly out of control and thus living comfortably now and in new lives.
All these teachings make up the essence of Sakyamuni’s spirit. |